
A Redesign of the traditional cervical collar: Zero Contact with the sides of the neck

Current Design

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Our product is a redesign of the traditional cervical collar that eliminates jugular vein compression. It incorporates two main components: a front and back part. The front consists of a jaw piece propped up by two chin supports on a chest bar, as seen in the figures above. The back has a strap that connects to the jaw piece with two shoulder straps connecting to the chest bar, and a headstrap around the head, as seen in the figure above. All straps utilize Velcro for an adjustable fit. The front and back parts work together to prevent flexion and extension of the neck, the jaw piece and its straps prevent rotation of the neck, and the headstrap prevents lateral flexion. These parts make zero contact with the sides of the neck, averting jugular vein compression. Instead, it uses bony anatomical structures such as the shoulders, chin, and back of the head to stabilize the neck. Avoiding contact with the neck increases user comfort and provides more stabilization. This effectively speeds up recovery by immobilizing the user, without the potential for neurological damage from jugular vein compression.