Hospital Sales
Total Profit Growth through 5 years is 72 million dollars.
Our market projection is based on four components: the cost to manufacture the CerviCollar (cost of goods sales), the unit cost for the CerviCollar, the number of emergency hospitals, and the average minimum collar supply in each hospital. Currently, hospitals are the biggest customers for emergency cervical collars, with each requiring an estimated minimum of 300 cervical collars annually to fulfill patient needs. To promote exposure and customer conversion, every hospital will receive a trial run of around 30 collars (10% of its supply), in the first year. Assuming the hospitals are satisfied with the CerviCollar and wish to make it a permanent fixture, we will supply them with 300 collars to accommodate their entire supply in the following years. Every subsequent year will see an expansion to more hospitals following the same trial strategy, starting with Southern California to spanning the United States. The sum of all material costs for the prototype is currently $18.86, however an estimated 2% inflation rate will slightly increase it over the years. The unit price is a 100% markup to account for profit growth. In our first year, our projected profit is $250k but will be around $32 million by 2028.
The images below are based on profit growth from sales to hospitals and sales to an online vendor (Amazon)
Total Profit Growth through 5 years is 72 million dollars.
Total Profit Growth through 5 years is 440 thousand dollars.